We broke the news a number of weeks ago now, but we are so proud to sponsor Generation Gap, a 4-person rowing team taking part in the 2020 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge! They will row 3000 miles across the Atlantic in what can only be described as the world's toughest rowing event!
The team Generation Gap, named because of the 31-year age gap between their youngest and oldest members, includes the 1st father and daughter to take part in the Atlantic Challenge, a Royal Marine, and the 1st Spanish woman to row an ocean!
To show our support for the team, we came up with a special edition design, the ‘Atlantic Adventure’ which is available now! Check it out here.
From the team here at Calenion Apparel, we would like to wish Generation Gap the best of luck in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge!
Check out their website, give them a follow on Instagram (@atlanticgenerationgap) and Facebook (Generation Gap) and show your support for this amazing team and their charities!